Shaanxi Tianzhirun Biotechnology Co.,LTD,was formerly known as "San yuan Technokogy&Development co., LTD.",The co***ny covers an area of 13300 square meters, plant area of 5800 square meters, existing staff of 50. The co***ny has the first class stainless steel multi-extraction equipment, is a professional co***ny of Salvia ,Sophora, Gynostemma,Kudzu and other medicinal plant extracts.We were approved by the Board of Agricultural Shangluo as the key municipal enterprise Co***ny in January 2008 (business aff...
Company: |
Run Shaanxi Days Of Biological Technology Co.,Ltd
Contact: |
Ms. liu Yang |
Address: |
No.9 Fengcheng 1st Road economic development zone Xi'an City |
Postcode: |
710018 |
Tel: |
86 029 68539441 |
Fax: |
86 029 86196183 |
E-mail: |