Shaanxi Tianzhirun Biotechnology Co.,LTD,was formerly known as "San yuan Technokogy&Development co., LTD.",The co***ny covers an area of 13300 square meters, plant area of 5800 square meters, existing staff of 50. The co***ny has the first class stainless steel multi-extraction equipment, is a professional co***ny of Salvia ,Sophora, Gynostemma,Kudzu and other medicinal plant extracts.We were approved by the Board of Agricultural Shangluo as the key municipal enterprise Co***ny in January 2008 (business affairs of the Agriculture development [2008] ***ument No.9). According to the market and our own development needs,Sanyuan Technology Development Co.,Ltd was approved by in June2,2011 by shanyang industrial and Commercial Administration,recorded by shaanxi province Administration of Industry,changed to the"ShaanxiTianzhirun Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.",registered capital from 6hundred thousand yuan to 10 million yuan.
In recent years,Tianzhirun has established a long-term relationship with XiĄŻan Jiaotong University College of Pharmacy,Northwest A &F University,Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shaanxi Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine about The development of new techniques,new technologies,and new product.The production of Tan 2A,Salvia,hidden,Tan,Sal B,matrine,matrine and other 80 kinds of medicinal food products meet national standards,and aiso meet customer requirements at differter levels.
Types of plant extract of Tianzhirun are widely used in pharmaceutical,cosmetic,bio-pesticides,health products,animal feed additives industry.
Company: |
Run Shaanxi Days Of Biological Technology Co.,Ltd
Contact: |
Ms. liu Yang |
Address: |
No.9 Fengcheng 1st Road economic development zone Xi'an City |
Postcode: |
710018 |
Tel: |
86 029 68539441 |
Fax: |
86 029 86196183 |
E-mail: |